Mountain Line does not currently sell ad space on its buses or at bus stops.
Interior Signs and In-Bus Screens
If you are a Missoula-based nonprofit or government agency, please send information to about your organization and how it benefits Mountain Line riders to be considered for interior sign placement or digital screen space.
Digital Screen Information
- Mountain Line’s electric buses feature interior digital screens to share useful and relevant information with the community. We welcome government agencies and local nonprofits to get in touch about how to take advantage of this opportunity.
- In-bus screens feature images or videos (without audio) in a 9:16 vertical format.
- Screen or image assignment to specific routes is not possible because of Mountain Line’s complex vehicle assignments.
- All interior signs must conform to the Missoula Urban Transportation District Interior Bus Sign Policy and the Missoula Urban Transportation District Bus Advertising Policy (see below).
Advertising Policy of the Missoula Urban Transportation District
No advertising concerning alcohol or tobacco products, political candidates or issues, or pornography shall be permitted on, or within the confines of the bus. All advertisements shall be in good taste.
Any person proposing to advertise on Mountain Line buses shall first submit all artwork and copy for each proposed advertisement to the general manager or the designated staff member for approval. Approval for any proposed advertisement shall be within the sole discretion of MUTD, subject to the requirements set out in the foregoing paragraph.