APTA Award

Current Solicitations

Requests for Bid/Proposal

MUTD Request for Proposals for Independent Financial Auditing Services

Notice is hereby given by the Missoula Urban Transportation District (MUTD) that it will receive
proposals from qualified firms for the procurement of independent financial auditing services.
The periods to be audited are the fiscal years ending June 30, 2025, 2026 and 2027, with an
additional two (2) one-year renewal options at MUTD’s sole discretion.

For any questions, please contact Frank Kuhl, Procurement and Contracts Specialist, at (406) 543-8386 ext. 5845 or [email protected].

Proposals are due via email on Monday, December 2, 2024. MUTD reserves the right to
reject any and all proposals.

MUTD RFP 24-02

MUTD RFP 24-02 Addendum 1

MUTD RFP 24-02 Addendum 2

Other Solicitations

Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)

Mountain Line is seeking Disadvantaged Business Enterprises to bid on federally funded projects, products and services. Firms owned and controlled by 51 percent or more by women, minorities or other socially or economically disadvantaged individuals or groups are eligible to apply for DBE certification.

DBE Goal Methodology – FFY23-25

Please contact us at (406) 721-3333 or [email protected] for further information.