Paratransit riders receive an automated call or text:
The night before their scheduled trip.
When their ride is 5 minutes away.
When their ride has arrived.
Ride the Line Paratransit App
We have a new mobile app for Paratransit!
Mountain Line has a new mobile app for Paratransit & Shuttle Van riders! From this app, you can reserve, cancel, or change your ride. You can also see where your vehicle is in real time.
You must be a registered and approved Paratransit or Shuttle Van rider to use the app. The first time you log into the app, you will need to have our office verify your account. Then you’re all set! See our rider guide below for more information.
By using Mountain Line’s Ride the Line Paratransit app, you are agreeing to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. To requested a printed version of these policies, please call 406-721-2848.
Mountain Line’s fixed-route service is 100% accessible for mobility devices. All of Mountain Line’s fixed-route buses are lift or ramp equipped, eliminating the need to climb stairs to board the bus. Operators are trained to assist in securing mobility devices, such as wheelchairs and scooters, and are required to make stop announcements, helping to make using the fixed route bus service possible for many people with disabilities. People with disabilities who are able use the fixed-route bus service are encouraged to do so whenever possible.
Use of these services is dependent upon meeting eligibility requirements. Paratransit and Shuttle Van services must be scheduled in advance.
ADA Paratransit: This is origin-to-destination service, limited to individuals meeting the strict legal and medical requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). To be eligible for this level of service, your disability and barriers must prevent you from using the fixed-route bus service. Trips must be prescheduled by 5 p.m. the day before the requested ride.
Paratransit Service Application (PDF). If you are unable to use the PDF version linked here, please call our customer service line at (406) 721-3333 to make alternative arrangements.
Shuttle Van: The Shuttle Van is a complimentary, reservation-based, curb-to-curb service that provides transportation for seniors who do not qualify for ADA Paratransit service. This service can be used by individuals 60 years of age and older, who do not qualify for ADA Paratransit but still feel they need curb-to-curb service and by those seniors who are limited to seasonal eligibility for ADA Paratransit. The Shuttle Van is available on a first-come, first-served basis, and riders are advised to make reservations as early as possible. Trips must be prescheduled by 4:30 PM the previous day.
The Specialized Transportation Advisory Committee (STAC) comprises disability advocates throughout Missoula. The STAC is overseen by the Missoula Urban Transportation District and generally meets the fourth Friday of each month at 10:30 a.m., except as noted below.
For information on how to attend the meetings, please see agendas linked below.
January 25, 2025
Agenda Minutes
February 21, 2025*
Agenda Minutes
March 28, 2025
Agenda Minutes
April 25, 2025
Agenda Minutes
May 23, 2025
Agenda Minutes
June 27, 2025
Agenda Minutes
July 25, 2025
Agenda Minutes
August 22, 2025
Agenda Minutes
September 26, 2025
Agenda Minutes
October 24, 2025
Agenda Minutes
November 21, 2025*
Agenda Minutes
December 19, 2025*
Agenda Minutes
*Date adjusted
For agendas and minutes from previous years, please email [email protected].
ADA Civil Rights
The Americans with Disabilities ACT (ADA) gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities. The ADA guarantees equal opportunity and access for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, and transportation.
All Mountain Line buses meet ADA requirements, offering wheelchair ramps and other features to accommodate riders with disabilities. By ADA standards and Mountain Line policy, wheelchairs must be secured on buses. Seats near the front door are generally reserved for elderly and mobility-impaired passengers.
If you believe Mountain Line is violating your ADA rights, you MUST file your complaint within 180 calendar days of the incident. In your complaint, explain in as much detail as possible how you were discriminated against. Include all relevant names and dates. Attach any additional documentation, as necessary, to your complaints. The ADA Coordinator will be in contact with you within seven (7) business days of receiving the complaint. To file a complaint with the ADA Coordinator, you may use the form below or submit your complaint to:
The Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) has recently revised the rules for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The revised rules provide for public transit organizations to make reasonable modifications and accommodations to policies, practices, and procedures to avoid discrimination, and to ensure accessibility to individuals with disabilities.
Individuals with disabilities may request that Mountain Line make a reasonable accommodation in order for that individual to fully use transit services. All requests should be made in advance by filling out and submitting a Reasonable Accommodation Request form (found below) to Mountain Line. Please see information below to file a request.
Mountain Line will accommodate requests provided that:
Fundamental nature of the service, program or activity is not altered, or
It does not cause a direct threat to the health or safety of others, or
It does not result in an undue financial and administrative burden, or
The requestor would not be able to fully use the service provided by Mountain Line without the modification.